Last week I started looking around for a new set to Transmog.
My favourite sites I use are listed below (and in no particular order as all are awesome sources for information) :-
I found a Nemesis recolour here and have based my look from this set.
Here is the list of items I've used to achieve my look :-
Head - Demonfang Ritual Helm
Shoulder - Mantle of Three Terrors
Back - Crimson Silk Cloak
Chest - Vermillion Robes of the Dorminant
Wrists - Crimson Bracers of Gloom
Hands - Felcloth Gloves
Waist - Sash of Serpentra
Legs - Devil-Stitched Leggings
Feet - Extravagant Boots of Malice
I did all dungeons in Heroic Mode and the final piece dropped on my 8th run of The Botanica. Drop rates for the 7 pieces range from 14% to 19% - therefore over 8 days I managed to obtain the 7 pieces.
I am loving this look :)